Catalogs of our latest collections
Catalogs for our latest collections are now available online. You will find there, among others: inspiring arrangements, available configurations and technical specifications. Download links are below. flos chairsThe Flos collection is, above all, extremely comfortable seats with a wide range of bases: metal, wooden, on wheels, low, high and benches. Perfect for both office and home workplaces. flos acousticsFlos acoustic panels and screens fulfill three important functions: soundproofing, space dividing and aesthetic. All Flos furniture is connected by a smooth line of shape expressing peace and harmony. foraA lounge system of soft sofas enriched with additional elements such as acoustic walls, tables and a chaise longue. The minimalist base frame is an intriguing contrast to the soft and spacious seats, backrests and pillows. epocc & epocc loungeBoth the conference chairs and the new lounge armchairs refer to the style of the 1950s. Solid metal structures and comfortable, upholstered seats with rounded edges made it possible to create modern furniture with a retro accent. |
These and other catalogs can also be found on our website: downloads > catalogs > catalogs by collection |