
Ewa Półtorak
Founder of the Calma Creative studio in Valencia, creating furniture characterised by simple forms, natural materials and technical innovation. When designing, she relies on data on target groups and production processes, combining analysis with intuition.

Jan Kochański
He gained experience alongside Karim Rashid, among others. He currently runs a recognized design studio and teaches at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw.
His work has been exhibited around the world and has won many awards, including Must Have 2022 for his Gummy_bear collection.

Tomasz Augustyniak
Designer and interior architect, graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań. Creator of numerous collections of office and home furniture for major Polish brands. Winner of many design awards.

Henrik Schultz
A Swedish designer whose work is inspired by Scandinavian craftsmanship and material knowledge. In his designs, he prioritises simplicity of form, refining it with extreme care and attention to detail.

Kasper Mose
Architect, furniture and interior designer. Graduated from Aarhus School of Architecture in 2008 at the Institute of Design. He gained experience at top Danish design offices Arkitema and Friis & Moltke Architects. In 2020 he opened his own design studio, where he seeks simplicity and a holistic approach to design.

Dymitr Malcew
Graduate of the Gdańsk University of Technology. Creator of the acoustic products Beachhouse, Treehouse, Cave and Leaf_pod. The designer has successfully broken down the boundaries between the workplace and the comfortable home zone. His goal was to design furniture that is stylish and modern, but also closely connected to nature (biophilic design).

Weronika Politowicz
Weronika Politowicz is a graduate of the Royal College of Art in London. She runs Studio Politowicz, based in Greater London. Her designs have been showcased at the London Design Festival and published in renowned magazines such as Dezeen and Elle Deco. Weronika's designs combine tradition with innovation, creating timeless and emotionally resonant designs.

Piotr Kuchciński
A Poznan-based architect who works with numerous renowned furniture manufacturers in Wielkopolska. His designs have received numerous accolades at international competitions, including the Red Dot Design Award, the Must Have Award, and the Meble Plus Product of the Year Award.

Maciej Karpiak
Since 2004, he has been running his own multidisciplinary design studio, Office for Design Maciej Karpiak. At the Academy of Art in Szczecin, he runs the Bionics and Multidisciplinary Product Design studios. Repeatedly awarded in Polish and international design competitions.

Beata Wilk-Naskręt
She has been at head of Bejot Development Team for years, overseeing the strategic and operational aspects of all projects. A graduate of the Faculty of Architecture at Poznan University of Technology, her education and passion for design provide a solid foundation for innovative approaches in furniture creation.

Krzysztof Sarnowski
He graduated from the Furniture Design course at the University of Arts in Poznań. His designs are focused on the needs of the user, resulting in ergonomic products obtained through modularity. He draws aesthetic inspiration from Scandinavian minimalism.

Wojciech Wołczyk
Wojciech has been working with Bejot for several years. Its designers specialise in seating forms, acoustic solutions and visual information systems. He carried out projects for a number of leading Polish and foreign brands.

Włodzimierz Orsztynowicz
Long-time associate of Bejot. He is involved in industrial design. Designer of several very popular conference chair collections, including: Orte, Ox:co and Woodbe.

Paweł Grajkowski
He has extensive experience in interior design, graphic design, furniture and digital products. With this comprehensive knowledge and skillset, he began working with the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology in the area of design with smart technology.

Ronald Straubel
Experienced German designer of office furniture. His work has repeatedly been ahead of the curve in furnishing the dynamically changing working environment, winning praise from both individual users and industry experts.

Edi & Paolo Ciani
Italian furniture and interior designers. Since 1987, they have been creating and developing products for leading European office and home furniture manufacturers.

Franceso Meda
Milan-born industrial design graduate. He gained experience working with his father and in renowned London studios. As an independent designer, he collaborates with many well-known manufacturers and galleries. His work is in the collection of the Triennale Design Museum.

Scagnellato & Ferrarese
Para uznanych włoskich projektantów. Absolwenci architektury w Wenecji. Ściśle współpracują w zakresie wzornictwa przemysłowego, ze szczególnym zainteresowaniem branżą mebli biurowych. Stale poszukują nowe materiały, które mogą zracjonalizować i zoptymalizować procesy produkcyjne.

Massimo Costaglia Design
Studio wzornictwa przemysłowego z Padwy we Włoszech, założone w 2001 roku przez Massimo Costaglia. Zespół składa się z inżynierów i projektantów specjalizujących się w dziedzinie mebli biurowych. Studio współpracuje z prestiżowymi firmami w Europie, Ameryce Północnej i Azji.

Dorigo Design
Italian studio founded by Fiorenzo Dorigo in 1992, and it operates in the fields of industrial, furniture, product and interior design.

S.I. Design
Włoskie studio wzornictwa przemysłowego działające w Padwie od 1996 roku. Projektantów wyróżnia zaangażowanie we wszystkie fazy projektu: od pomysłu, do pomocy klientowi w procesie produkcji, zawsze znajdując najlepsze rozwiązanie, z ciągłym badaniem dostawców, technologii i nowych trendów.

Bejot Development Team
Our experienced R&D team creates original designs as well as collaborating with scientific institutions in the fields of acoustics, biophilia and workstation ergonomics. As a result, the team has unique know-how and takes a very responsible approach to the design process.