The world changes,
and we change together with it.
We are an observer and an initiator of the changes that take place in the modern work environment. We look at the office in a comprehensive manner, striving to create a fully ergonomic space, in which we feel good in every respect – physical, metal and social.

Ergonomic armchair
An ergonomic armchair has the functions that enable
to adapt the armchair to the individual proportions of the body.
Support Base Flexi

We design for Your health
Thanks to the SUPPORT BASE FLEXI (SBF) you are moving even when you sit. Our solution activates the micro movements of the muscles thus stimulates the spontaneous changes of the posture. This minor change of the position is responsible for your natural need for movement, what has a direct impact on the positive effects, inter alia, your blood circulation is improved therefore your cells are oxygenated better.
The office workers using the SUPPORT BASE FLEXI are more active both physically, and mentally, feel better and are more effective.
Sitting on the chair with the Support Base Flexi
You prevent a pain conditions of the back
You stimulate creativity
and increase your concentration.
You supply twenty times more
oxygen to your cells
You improve your metabolic rate
You eliminate fatigue
You increase your infection immunity