Discover new products from the Treehouse collection
26.02.2020We have expanded the Treehouse collection!
One of the most recognizable Bejot collections - Treehouse - has been expanded to include new acoustic booths.
Product cards:
TREEHOUSE sitting dual
TREEHOUSE sitting four
TREEHOUSE standing single
Treehouse is one of Bejot's flagship products, which has been expanded to include new booths that fully fulfill acoustic functions. In addition to acoustic walls, the products are also equipped with glass front/back integrated with acoustic foil, so they can be used as mini conference rooms (dedicated for 2 or 4 people) and 1-person rooms where you can conduct a conference call or work in perfect silence.
The Treehouse collection will be perfect not only in office space, but also in public areas.
Product cards:
TREEHOUSE sitting dual
TREEHOUSE sitting four
TREEHOUSE standing single