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WELL Certificate - interiors that care about people's well-being


Spotkanie z architektami - certyfikat WELL


What are the main principles of the WELL certificate? What conditions must be fulfilled by a building to obtain the certificate? How to design in accordance with the principles of the WELL certificate? These are just some of the topics discussed during the Friday meeting with architects "WELL Certificate - interiors that care about people's well-being”.
Answers to these questions were given by Ewa Gertig who specializes in environmental certificates. Organizers of the meeting: Bejot, MARO Office Furniture and Gerflor Polska presented solutions and materials which will facilitate the certification process. The event showed that the issue of improving the quality of usage of buildings arouses great interest and is becoming increasingly important for architects.
Thank you all for participation in the meeting, inspiring conversations behind the scenes and fantastic atmosphere!